Moyes Delta Gliders



Litesport - Colour Selector
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Category: Litesport

Litesport - Colour Selector


Litesport - FAQ
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Category: Litesport


Recent owner of a wonderful LiteSport 4, I am not really happy of De-Rigging it. May be I do not well understand the method described in owner's manual page 21. "Pull down on the top side wires. This will lower the compensator at the top of the king post, allowing the king post to be lowered onto the sail".

I suppose we have to pull the VG on to slower the compensator but nothing happens...

In fact it is very difficult to lower the king post onto the sail. Would you be kind enough to explain me the technique.


The most effective technique to lower the top side wire (compensator) is to engage the VG after the pull back has been released and before bringing the wings together. The king post will fold down with little resistance using this method.

Litesport - Testimonials
Saturday, 02 October 2010

Category: Litesport

Litesport - Testimonials

Werner Salchner, Neustift, Austria - June, 2009

LiteSport TestimonialHi Moyes Team!

I got my Moyes Litesport glider last year, and after many great flights I decided to write you a mail.

First I had some concerns about flying a rated 3 glider, (highest class here in Europe) but I never came into a situation were the glider wasn't 100% in control. It always feels safe and it's easier to fly than everything I had before. Best in safety concerns is starting and landing. The G-String Compensation system helps a lot with holding the glider at the start at windy conditions. Nothing wobbles above you, you always know what the wing is doing. And I never had a glider that was easier to land. You feel exactly the point when you got to push out.

The performance is absolutely outstanding. Maybe I didn't reach the top speed compared to a topless model when we pass a valley or glide to the goal, but at thermalling I am always with the best. We had some competitions last year, and I always got great results, leaving a lot "high performance glider" pilots behind me. I got a lot comments from other pilots who where surprised by the performance of my glider. I think Gerolf did a great job here.

One of the best things about my Litesport is how it looks. Maybe a glider mostly black isn't very common, but in combination with the fluoro red beam and the smoke sail, it looks awesome. I included some photos that will show how great it looks. Much better than a lot other gliders IMO.

I want to thank you all for creating such wonderful products, keep on with that, you make the best sport of all even better!

LiteSport Testimonial

Litesport - Manual
Saturday, 02 October 2010

Category: Litesport

Litesport - Manual

Litesport Owners Manual Version 1.03 pdf_icon_25_25

Article: Instructions to replace the hang loop